Resolved -
We are happy to report that users should now be able to resume activities without difficulty.
We apologize for the prior inconvenience.
Dec 19, 08:57 MST
Monitoring -
Our team has implemented a solution, and we are actively monitoring to ensure no further issues.
Thank you for your patience.
Dec 19, 01:07 MST
Update -
We have a fix prepared, and we will deploy this fix outside school hours to avoid further disruption.
Dec 18, 11:12 MST
Update -
Students are able to load assessments without ReadSpeaker. This is an issue we are actively working with our vendor to resolve.
Dec 18, 08:46 MST
Identified -
Our team has identified an issue with ReadSpeaker. This feature will be disabled for Students when they attempt assessments for the time being.
We will continue to update progress.
Dec 18, 08:33 MST
Investigating -
Our team is actively investigating an issue impacting users of Twig Science.
Students are unable to load assessments.
We apologize for the inconvenience and will provide an update soon.
Dec 18, 08:21 MST